Discussions with the linear reduction plastic surgeon, Dr. Usha Rajagopal
What is Scala?
Labia reduction is a reduction of the labia majora (outer lips) or labia minora) (inner lips. The process consists of reducing or changing the elongated lips lips asymmetric. If the vulva and vagina created, where there is none, the procedure called vaginoplasty. Hoodectemy is a different type ofSurgery, reduced or eliminated the clitoris sexual function in women who have difficulty with orgasms increased.
Why do women get reduced?
Women get reduced for different reasons. In my experience the number one reason is the desire for a reduction in pain or discomfort experienced by apparel (), for example, jeans or yoga pants or reduced with sport (particularly cycling and horse riding) orParticipation in other sports. The second most common reason for downsizing is shame or embarrassment about how they see their genitals and desire to change their appearance. Other times, wants to increase the sexual function of women - a reduction of the labia and clitoris may create a greater burden on the clitoris, which increased on stimulation. From time to time a woman is damaged during the delivery of the labia majora, and the procedure is restorative.
How did youreduction surgery involved?
As a woman I know can not be a part of our body, which is so closely linked to our self-esteem. Elongated lips can cause shame or embarrassment with sexual partners and sometimes pain or discomfort. I appreciate the opportunity to help women overcome these problems in their lives. You can make a huge difference in the life of a woman to feel better about the way his body looks. There are not many female plastic surgeon, and as manyWomen feel more comfortable with this procedure performed by a woman, I felt it was important that I offer this procedure in my practice.
I will be the question on everyone's mind, we will ask you to - to reduce sexual sensitivity is reduced to?
When the tissue is reduced around the clitoris, can improve access to the clitoris and sexual senstitivity. Note that the surgical technique for the tissue around the clitoris heal properly critical. The AmericanCollege of Gynecology that, in cases where the procedure was not carried out properly, the tissue around the clitoris seemed distorted.
How should I choose a qualified surgeon?
Be sure to check their credentials before and after photos, and how often they performed the procedure.
How many times have you performed the procedure?
Seen in the last 12 years several hundred times. At least 500 hours available.
Asrisky is this procedure?
Well, if you be subjected to any type of surgery, of course you want to choose your doctor carefully! In hundreds of transactions I did, I never had any problem in my practice. Nationwide statistics report very low percentage of women who experience no complications with the procedure. The method is based on an outpatient basis - women can return home after their operations.
Dr. Rajagopal, thank you so much forAnswer my questions today.
No problem, I will be happy to help. Women who have more questions about the procedure cordially invited to book a free appointment with me.
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